
European Photonic Quantum Computer

Advanced Cryogenic Technologies for Innovative Computing

The ARCTIC (“Advanced Research on Cryogenic Technologies for Innovative Computing”) project intends to establish a complete and comprehensive European supply chain for cryogenic photonics, microelectronics, and, in general, cryo-microsystems around the emerging quantum computing industry and different cryo-enabled ICT applications.

Within the ARCTIC project Single Quantum is responsible for the realization of large SNSPDs arrays which will be interfaced with cryogenic CMOS electronics, co-developed with partners in the Delft quantum ecosystem.

This project has received fundings from NOW Topsector – High Tech Systemen en Materialen (HTSM) and from the European Union’s Horizon Europe – The EU research & innovation programme under the Grant Agreement number  No 101075725.

Harness the power of SNSPDs

To tailor the optimal solution for you, our engineers will assist you, starting from understanding your needs and define the system specifications together with you.

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