
The QuPhlex project is officially underway.

Led by Single Quantum in collaboration with esteemed partners, ICON Photonics and ThinkQuantum, QuPhlex aims to develop a universal integration technology for optical cryogenic and room-temperature detectors, with a key demonstration into QKD communications.
This Eurostar3 project (nr. 3979) has now been officially granted,

➡ The three partners will collaborate to develop highly integrated packaged detectors Superconducting Single-Photon Detectors (SNSPDs) that can seamlessly integrate into any cryostat.
➡ This innovative approach will lead to breakthroughs for several applications, such as high-density and high-efficiency cryogenics detectors for quantum applications, and high-datarates detectors for telecom ones

The ultimate goal is to create new products that not only meet the highest standards but also sets new benchmarks in the field!
Thanks to Netherlands Enterprise Agency Bpifrance and MUR for the support.

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