
The technologies behind Single Quantum solutions.

Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors

The Single Quantum multi-channel SNSPD system combines high detection efficiency, high time resolution, low dark count rate, and a high count rate. It can detect single photons with higher than 90% efficiency over a broad spectral range and an ultra-high timing resolution of less than 15 ps.

The SNSPD consists of a thin film of superconducting material shaped into a meandering nanowire, maximizing surface area to collect the full output of an optical fiber while maintaining a single current path. Operated at 2.5 Kelvin, a constant current below the superconductor’s critical threshold is applied, and its nanoscale cross-section enables high sensitivity to single photons.

When a photon is absorbed, superconductivity is locally disrupted, redirecting the current to amplification electronics and generating a voltage pulse. Within tens of nanoseconds, the nanowire recovers its superconductivity, ready to detect the next photon.

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Optical couplings


The fastest detectors on the market

The time resolution of single photon detectors is characterized by the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the variation in the temporal delay from the absorption of a photon to the generation of an output electrical pulse, which is defined as the timing jitter.

Single Quantum SNSPDs have demonstrated the lowest timing jitter on the market, achieved thanks to the cryogenic amplification.

A cryogenic amplifier, encased and mounted to the 40K stage of the cryostat, enables the SNSPDs to reach the highest single-to-noise ratio and thus the optimal timing jitter. A typical Single Quantum SNSPD with a cryogenic amplifier reaches <15 ps timing jitter.

Harness the power of SNSPDs

To tailor the optimal solution for you, our engineers will assist you, starting from understanding your needs and define the system specifications together with you.